Dave McKenna & Friends in New England
(a tribute to Ed Williams)

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Venue: Multiple Locations in New England
Date: Various dates in the late 80's
Play List
For You, For Me, Forever More
w/ Gray Sargent (g), Marshall Wood (b), Chuck Riggs (d)
Oh, Baby
w/ Bob Wilber (alto sax), Jerry Fuller (clarinet), Lou Magnano (vibes), Gray Sargent (g), Don Kenney (b), Chuck Laire (d)
I Love You
w/ Gray Sargent (g), Marshall Wood (b), Gary Johnson (d)
Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
Chinatown, My Chinatown / On A Slow Boat To China
I Love You Samantha
w/ Scott Hamilton (tenor sax), Jake Hanna (d)
Thought Medley
w/ Marshall Wood (b), Gary Johnson (d)
Swing That Music
w/ Gray Sargent (g), Marshall Wood (b), Chuck Laire (d)
Come Back to Sorrento